Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Senor Buttfeathers

Mom has a new hobby this spring - brushing my winter undercoat, so I won't shed all over the house. I have been rolling around on my back in the driveway a lot, too. Mom laughs when I do that, but she knows what the problem is; SHEDDING!

So on Sunday morning, I was on the floor by mom. She noticed my 'buttfeathers' were sticking out all over the place, so she grabbed the piece sticking out. It came off in her hand - a huge clump of fur! So she did it again, and more fur came out in her hand. Then, human sister got in on the action.

After plucking me like a chicken, mom found the dog-brush and commenced to grooming me. She said something about making a puppy with all the discarded fur, or maybe donating it to 'Pelts of Love' for those poor GSDs who can't grow their own ridiculously brushy coat. Seriously, there was a LOT of fur! It made me sad, but now I'm not so itchy.

I'm smooth, sleek and shiny - hey, ladies!

1 comment:

jred said...

I still think we should be saving it to turn into yarn... then I could get a sweater made from it, and I'd smell like Otto!